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Photos courtesy of : Xfinity Live! Philadelphia

Address : 1100 Pattison Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Event Pricing Estimator

Looking for a party venue? Find Xfinity Live! Philadelphia party space pricing estimate. Enter your party info below and find pricing information for this party venue near you!

Estimated Cost: $0
Per Day: $0


Have an event unlike any your guests have ever experienced! With a diverse array of activities and venues, XFINITY Live! offers incredible flexibility for private events of any size or budget for 20-6000 guests. From corporate groups to meetings and banquets, we've got you covered with a wide variety of spaces including incredible restaurants, bars, lounges and entertainment venues. Nothing compares to the variety of amenities and attractions that XFINITY Live! can offer to a signature event, cocktail reception or dinner party.


Xfinity Live! Philadelphia Yelp and Google reviews below. Click on the underlined links to find a catalog of Philadelphia area party venues with similar Yelp or Google review scores.

Yelp reviews

Google reviews

4 years ago
Could only get 1 photo was in a parking lot across the street. However been there plenty of times over the past 10 years. GREAT place 2 have FUN, dance, eat and watch tv 2! 😆 my favorite is watching people ride the mechanical bull 💘 😆!
4 years ago
A great venue for the social gathering during a conference we attended in Philadelphia. Search for the food and entertainment of of your choice, live music covering many genres, multiple sports feeds on very large screens... you can hangout with your friends and family for hours!
5 years ago
Two words: "Lorenzo's pizza". Attended 97.5 The Fanatic's Fan Fest last week and had my first slice at their brand new location inside. I thought maybe the volume of people would make them have less than adequate product, but it was great. The rest of the remodel looks good, but they need to fix the cattle chute to the left of the main stage. When there's 17000 people, getting from the outside to the inside is a nightmare...
5 years ago
Had a really nice time at xfinity live. Restaurants at the center of four major sports field, everything at the same place. Really nice setup that I never seen elsewhere. The building is really hug and you have a sports shop and big restaurant for all of your taste. Nice place to have a great time and watch the game of any major sports you like.
5 years ago
A really modern and unique venue. It has multiple restaurants within it, and you can pick and choose something from each. The large screen TV makes it a great place to watch live games. One restaurant has a mechanical bull! Social scene is mixed. Can be kind of an 'upscale' experience depending on how much you want out of the experience of being at Xfinity Live!
Google reviews

Reservations & Directions

Xfinity Live! Philadelphia reservations & directions below. Book Xfinity Live! Philadelphia on OpenTa-ble. Depart on time and find Xfinity Live! Philadelphia with Google Map directions below.

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Party Min and Max

Xfinity Live! Philadelphia party space minimum & maximum amount of people. Click party minimum & maximum below for a list of Philadelphia area event venues with similar capacity for party sizes.

-group-profile-users 10 - 100 people maximum


Xfinity Live! Philadelphia amenities below. Click on the underlined amenities to find a catalog of party spaces with that amenity.

Good For

Click on the underlined 'Good For' to find a list of event venues that are good for this type of event. Xfinity Live! Philadelphia is good for the following:

Contact Information

 contact website

 contact phoneNumber (267) 534-4264

Venue Type

Xfinity Live! Philadelphia is a remier dining and entertainment destination to come dine, drink and play.


Xfinity Live! Philadelphia parking below. Click on parking availability to find nearby parking garages and general parking guidance for Xfinity Live!

Parking Nearby


Xfinity Live! Philadelphia hours of operation below. Please check Xfinity Live! Philadelphia website for accurate hours, especially around holidays.

  •  1 availability Monday: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  •  2 availability Tuesday: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  •  3 availability Wednesday: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  •  4 availability Thursday: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  •  5 availability Friday: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  •  6 availability Saturday: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  •  7 availability Sunday: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Special Message about Venue Rentals

Please be aware all of our pricing for venues are simply estimates. For exact pricing information please contact the venue directly.


 food BYOF option not available


Xfinity Live! Philadelphia does not allow BYOB. Click on BYOB below to browse a list of event venues in the Philadelphia area that allow you to Bring your own Wine and Beer (BYOB)!

 wine BYOB option not available


Xfinity Live! Philadelphia Facebook and Instagram below, click below for Xfinity Live! Philadelphia Facebook and Instagram pages.

 facebook  instagram

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