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Photos courtesy of : Farmicia

Address : 15 S 3rd St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Event Pricing Estimator

Looking for a party venue? Find Farmicia Philadelphia party space pricing estimate. Enter your party info below and find pricing information for this party venue near you!

Estimated Cost: $0
Per Day: $0


Located in Philadelphia’s historic Old City, FARMiCiA is a 122-seat restaurant and bar serving breakfast, lunch, an afternoon meal, a relaxed dinner, and brunch on the weekends. The Farm Bar hosts a lively and sophisticated environment for those who seek out new and interesting places to dine and socialize late into the evening.


Farmicia Philadelphia Yelp and Google reviews below. Click on the underlined links to find a catalog of Philadelphia area party venues with similar Yelp or Google review scores.

Yelp reviews
Google reviews

Reservations & Directions

Farmicia Philadelphia reservations & directions below. Book Farmicia Philadelphia on OpenTable. Depart on time and find Farmicia Philadelphia with Google Map directions below.

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Gift Card

Purchase a gift card from Farmicia of Philadelphia below. This is the time to support your local Philadelphia area businesses, especially in the wake of COVID-19. It would mean the world to Farmicia if you purchased a gift card in any amount. We all have to help each other and now more than ever. Farmicia is grateful to anyone who purchases a gift card form them during this COVID-19 crisis. Click the button below to purchase a gift card from Farmicia! Thank you on behalf of Farmicia. Stay Safe!!

Purchase Gift Card

Party Min and Max

Farmicia Philadelphia party space minimum & maximum amount of people. Click party minimum & maximum below for a list of Philadelphia area event venues with similar capacity for party sizes.

-group-profile-users 75 - 100 people maximum


Farmicia Philadelphia amenities below. Click on the underlined amenities to find a catalog of party spaces with that amenity.

Good For

Click on the underlined 'Good For' to find a list of event venues that are good for this type of event. Farmicia Philadelphia is good for the following:

Contact Information

 contact website

 contact phoneNumber 215-627-6274

Venue Type

Farmicia Philadelphia is a cozy Italian family friendly restaurant.


Farmicia Philadelphia parking below. Click on parking availability to find nearby parking garages and general parking guidance forFarmicia.

Parking Nearby


farmicia delivery below. order farmicia caviar below by clicking the caviar button.

Door Dash


Farmicia Philadelphia hours of operation below. Please check Farmicia Philadelphia website for accurate hours, especially around holidays.

  •  1 availability Tuesday: 11:30 AM - 09:00 PM
  •  2 availability Wednesday: 11:30 AM - 09:00 PM
  •  3 availability Thursday: 11:30 AM - 09:00 PM
  •  4 availability Friday: 11:30 AM - 10:00 PM
  •  5 availability Saturday: 08:30 AM - 10:00 PM
  •  6 availability Sunday: 08:30 AM - 09:00 PM

Special Message about Venue Rentals

Please be aware all of our pricing for venues are simply estimates. For exact pricing information please contact the venue directly.


 food BYOF option not available


Farmicia Philadelphia does not allow BYOB. Click on BYOB below to browse a list of event venues in the Philadelphia area that allow you to Bring your own Wine and Beer (BYOB)!

 wine BYOB option not available


Farmicia Philadelphia Facebook and Instagram below, click below for Farmicia Philadelphia Facebook and Instagram pages.

 facebook  instagram

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